Native American Artifacts Online Auction

Native American Artifacts Online Auction
I the undersigned will sell at Public Online Auction. Located 20 miles South of Youngstown Ohio or 15 miles North of East Liverpool Ohio on St. Rt. 7 to Rogers Ohio then West 1 mile to 45625 State Route 154 Rogers, Ohio 44455
Ending: March 22, 2023 @ 7:00 P.M.
Preview: March 20, 2023 5:00 – 7:00 P.M. ~ Pick Up: March 24, 2023 3:00 – 7:00 P.M.
500+ arrow heads, spear points ect.; Rare Yanomano 20th Century burden baskets; finely woven grass baskets; coiled grass knob top lidded basket; beaded necklaces and jewelry; Native American items including beaded medicine bag, awl and beaded awl case; leather rattle with hand painted decoration; Indian war club; Stone pestles; axe heads; grind stones; bleached animal skulls; carved stone pipe; Hide drum with hand painting; raw hide quiver; beaded jars; bone and flint scraper; beaded leather bags; large Native American raw hide drum with painted bird; log drum with signature; arrowheads; spear points; moccasins; carved stone and red clay pipes; stone age bored hole battle axe head; silver tone and turquoise jewelry; Christian Co. Kentucky carved stone frog platform pipe; Athens Co. Ohio carved stone pipe; Knapped flint arrowheads; child’s tomahawk heads; banded slate stone tool; Henry County Ohio banded slate grooved Gorget; Jefferson County Ohio carved stone pipe; Franklin & Trumbull County Ohio Gorgets; impact prehistoric pottery; Blankets;
Auctioneer Note : All Information Was Derived From Sources Believed To Be Correct But Is Not Guaranteed By Baer Auctioneers And Realty
Ken Baer – Auctioneer / Broker / Realtor – 330-424-2505 or
Evan Gallo – Apprentice – (330) 314-0613 or
Terms on Personal Property: 10% buyer’s premium added to all purchases. Credit card required to register. Buyers may pay their invoice online or arrange to pay with cash or check at pick up. All invoices will be charged to the registered credit card the morning following the auction unless prior arrangements are made. All items sell without reservation to the highest bidder. A 7.25% sales tax will be charged on all purchases.
Auctioneer Note : All Information Was Derived From Sources Believed To Be Correct But Is Not Guaranteed By Baer Auctioneers