Columbiana Online Auction - August 11th

August 11th Online Auction
Ending: Thursday August 11, 2022 @ 7:00 P.M.
Preview: ThursdayAugust 11, 2022 4:00 – 6:00 P.M.
Pick Up: Monday August 15, 2022 3:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
Truck ~ Boat ~ Collectibles ~ Tools ~ Miscellaneous
International S 1900 DT dump truck with 10’ steel bed, tandem; Gypsy fishing boat w/inboard motor; Nature’s Generator Elite 2400 W solar powered portable generator with wind turbine kit, 4 solar panels; trammel points; calipers; levels; Stanley planer; antique Armstrong Bros. pipe threader in original wood box; vise; swivel base vise; No 27 4” vise; Craftsman chain saw; Stanley bench vise; All-test All-scan Auto & truck Diagnostic tool; 40 pc. combination socket set; Husqvarna gas leaf blower; Ryobi 1 ½ HP router w/table; hand tools; small electric hand tools; tool boxes; wrenches; vintage 20 ton snatch block; Misc. knives including Barlow and others; misc. fishing reels and parts; vintage uranium buttons; paper weights; books ends; vintage kitchen supplies; Fiesta; Seth Thomas mantle clock; Longaberger baskets; pictures; cast iron skillets; quilts; small Bennington pot; Vintage bedroom vanity set; vintage Tupperware; Flexible Flyer sleds; Pez dispensers; Hot wheels; Dave McCammon drawing “Early Winter 1903”; adverting displays and signs; Griswold gas camp stove; Pyrex; saloon doors; dining chairs; oak cabinets; Barbie’s; vintage wringer washer; McCoy mixing bowl; red National Cash Register; day bed; dressers; Lionel engines and cars; Lionel Trainmaster transformers; vintage Lionel multi control transformer w/original box; train accessories; Miscellaneous items too numerous to mention.
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Note: This is only a very partial list; See our website for full listing with pictures and terms.