Huda Online Auction

Huda Online Auction
I the undersigned will sell at Public Online Auction. Located 2 miles North of Unity Ohio on SR 165 to 1052 SR 165 East, Palestine Ohio 44413
Ending: Friday August 12th 2022 @ 7:00 PM
Preview: Friday August 12th 2022 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM
Pick Up: Tuesday August 16th 2022 from 3:00 to 7:00 PM
Wooden Boat ~ Lawn Tractors ~ Tools ~ Antiques
Peterborough Wooden Boat; John Deere XL 173 Lawn tractor; JD push mower; Gravely Lawn Tractor 8163G; Gravely lawn roller; Gravely 2 wheel mower; Gravely Snow Blower; Gravely roto tiller; Gravely parts and attachments; cement mixer; Poulan gas string trimmer; wheel barrow; Ridgid shop vac; small electric and battery hand tools; mechanics, carpenter and garden tools; lumber; traps; SK socket set;
ANTIQUES: bracket oil lamp w/ reflector; Pyrex and Fire King; Pfaltzgraff; Club Alm.; 50’s table and chairs; walnut veneer dining room suit; lift top cabinet; cameras; crocks; toys and games; Dazey Meat Grinder; Jumbo Peanut butter jar; Depression glass; Sega Genesis; 50’s canister set; clocks; brass school bell; cast iron ware; stamps; Hull vases; Lane cedar chest; Pfaff 130 sewing machine; Keystone grinder; lanterns; Stanley Axe; records; packing boxes; tractor seats; babers chair; Johnson boat motor; Deming pump; wooden ladders; fishing poles and tackle;
HOUSEHOLD: Maytag Refrigerator; Frigidaire Deluxe Stove; lamps; pots, pans, dishes; bookcase; entertainment center; bedroom furniture; Vizeo 32” TV; end stands; books; stereos; Victorio Strainer; camping supplies; sewing notions; buttons; Maytag washer and dryer; Brunswick Pool Table;
Note: This is only a very partial list; See our website for full listing with pictures and terms.
Ken Baer – Auctioneer / Broker / Realtor – 330-424-2505 or
Lori Huda ~ Owners