Bob and Pat Wilson Live Auction

Wilson Live Auction
I the undersigned will sell at Public Auction the former possessions of Bob Wilson. Located 1 mile North of SR 14 on State Line Rd (Ohio/PA Line) to Old Enon Unity Rd then Right to Farm at 2903 Old Enon Unity Rd Enon Valley, Pa 16120
Saturday July 9th 2022 @ 10:00 AM
Farm Equipment ~ Implements ~ Tools ~ Antiques
Machinery: J D Model H 2 cylinder gas, runs & drives; AC WD 4 cylinder gas (new back tires); AC- G with 1 bottom plow, blade, cultivator & spare parts; IH 3444 backhoe, 4 cylinder diesel, reads 1454.2, needs repair; IH 710 - 3 bottom plow; hay wagon; NH 717 Super single row chopper; NH 6’ hay head’ NI single row corn picker; Woods L59 belly mower; 25 bushel homemade gravity wagon; Ford # 309 2 row corn planter; Oliver 12 drill grain drill; 10’ transport disc; transport cultivator; single bottom JD plow; JD cultivator; 14’ cultivator (approx.); 12’ disk (approx.); 10’ x 6’ trailer (approx.); wooden gravity wagon on factory gear (approx. 200 bushel); factory gravity bin; 3 pt. snow blower; Broyhill field sprayer; Cyclone spinner/spreader; 3 pt. 4’ cultivator; sickle bar mower; Challenger corn sheller; running gear; utility trailers; cement mixer;
Tools: Viking 30 ton shop press; JD LT166 lawn tractor; JD STX38 lawn tractor; Craftsman table saw; Atlas drill press; Generac pressure washer; radial arm saw; Coleman generator; welder with Wisconsin engine; Stihl chain saws; Stihl FS86 string trimmer; set 30”duals; set 28” duals; log splitter w/gas engine; Enertech windmill w/3 sections of tower; small wagon; Buffalo band saw; oxygen/acetylene tanks; jig saw; 40v. Lynxx chain saw; Lincoln 225 amp AC/DC welder; various push mowers; single wheel lawn tractor; lumber hand, mechanics, carpenter and garden tools; scrap pile; horse tack; Wolf 4 burner portable gas camp stove;
Antique Tools; Type FY-ED4 Maytag engines; Blacksmithing swage block; 20+ hand axes including, Keen Kutter, Plumb, American Beauty, Champion, Winchester and others; spoke shave; meat cleavers; draw knives; double bitted axes; old wrenches; mine picks;
Antiques: Enterprise MFG CO lard/sausage press; crocks; SS milk cans; shoe lasts; cast iron pots; cream cans; cream separator; copper wash boiler; Isaly’s milk bottles; little red wagon; wicker furniture; wooden boxes; barn lanterns;
Auctioneers Note: 10:00 am Antiques and Housewares. The Tractors and listed simulcast lots will begin at 11:00 AM. 2 auctioneers working part of the day. Large lot of miscellaneous items too numerous to mention.
For Your Convenience Tractors and select items will be available by
Simulcast Auction on
Ken Baer – Auctioneer / Broker / Realtor – 330-424-2505 or
Pat Wilson ~ OWNER
The Live Auction Will Begin @ 10:00 AM With Antiques and Housewares. The Simulcast Auction of Tractors, Equipment and Posted Lots Will Begin @ 11:00 AM.