Building Supply Online Auction

Building Supply Online Auction
Spring Inventory Reduction Online Public Auction. Located 1 mile West of North Jackson Ohio on Mahoning Ave (SR 18) to Debartolo Dr. (Industrial Park) then South to 12005 Council Dr. North Jackson, Ohio 44451
Ending: Tue. June 21st 2022 @ 6:00 PM
Preview: Mon. June 20th from 4:00 to 6:00pm
Pickup: Thur. June 23rd from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Building Supplies ~ Lumber ~ Trusses ~ Doors ~ Windows ~ Hardware
55’ building trusses with plans; Hardwood Lumber; dimensional lumber; large selection of interior and exterior doors; Anderson windows and others; large lot of molding; 600 plus New Schlage door locks, dead bolts ect (new-old Stock); wall vents; large lot of folding attic ladders; cabinets; porch spindles; joist and truss hangers; poly sheeting; closet rods; stairway wood trim; wood and plastic mantels; cedar shims; alm. Flashing; paneling; skylights; duct work; Wayne Dolton Garage doors;
Equipment: 2 shipping containers; truck body; Metal Banding crimper; metal racks; garden wagons; carts; shop layout tables; step ladders; banding carts; pallet racking; scrap metal; metal stairway; bin; front bucket; 15’ conveyor belt; drums; 125 gal poly tank; chains; fork extensions; forks; semi tires; pallet jacks; lighted sign;
Terms on Personal Property: Cash, Check or Credit Card (Visa, Master Card or Discover) 10% buyer’s premium added to all purchases. All items sell without reservation to the highest bidder.
Ken Baer Auctioneer/Broker 330-424-2505 or
Advantage Building Components -Owner