Baer Auction Center Online Auction 6/10/24

Baer Auction Center Online Auction 6/10/24
I the undersigned will sell at Public Online Auction. Located 42083 State Route 344 Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Ending: June 10th 2024 @ 7:00 P.M.
Preview: June 10th 2024 from 4:00 - 6:00 P.M.
Pick Up: June 13th 2024 from 3:00 to 7:00 P.M.
Antiques & Collectibles ~ Lawn Tractors ~Tools
Household Goods: Frigidaire refrigerator; Frigidaire electric range; flat screen TV’s; oak pedestal table w/6 chairs; Hammond electric organ; Kitchen Aid mixer; upholstered living room furniture; electric fireplace; Bose radio; T-Fal cookware; toys; pots; pans; dishes; kitchen utensils; small electrical appliances; bicycles;
Antiques & Collectibles: oak bookcase/desk combination; steel runner sled; large lot Christmas decorations; 4 gallon crock; toys; model railroad; Indian collectibles and memorabilia; musical instruments; large lot Lego’s; Match Box and Hot Wheels cars and race sets; Tonka toys; pictures & frames; foreign and domestic china; McCoy Ware; quilts; car models; Fiesta ware;
Lawn Tractors: Cub Cadet 6284 tractor 4 WD w/ Cub Cadet loader, 3pt, hydrostat-runs; Steiner 4 WD lawn tractor with front end mower approximate 6’ cut;
Tools: Lincoln 225 amp welder; Champion 1800 watt generator; Onyx floor scrubber with Kawasaki 13hp LP motor; Craftsman tool chest; tools; stop lights; large lot leg hold traps; DeWalt battery tools and others;
Note: This is only a partial list, see web for complete list and pictures.
Visit for online bidding
Terms on Personal Property: 10% buyer’s premium added to all purchases. Credit card required to register. Buyers may pay their invoice online or arrange to pay with cash or check at pick up. All invoices will be charged to the registered credit card the morning following the auction unless prior arrangements are made. All items sell without reservation to the highest bidder.
Ken Baer, – Auctioneer / Broker / Realtor – 330-424-2505 or
Printable catalog in the documents tab.
Pick up is: June 13, 2024 3:00 - 7:00 P.M.
Location: 42083 State Route 344 Columbiana, Ohio 44408