Columbiana Antique Online Auction

Columbiana Antique Online Auction
Located 42083 State Route 344 Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Ending: January 15, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M.
Preview: January 15, 2024 from 4:00 - 6:00 P.M.
Pick Up: January 19, 2024 from 3:00 to 7:00 P.M.
Dove tailed dough tray on legs; Victorian marble top stand; Deacon’s bench’ wall hanging weight clock; 3 section barrister bookcases; ice box; primitive cabinet; slag glass lamps; mantle clocks; steamer trunk; square oak trunk; hump back trunk; kerosene RR lanterns; barn lanterns; Coleman lanterns; musical instruments; crocks; crock jugs; tins; packing crates; porcelain ware; Tonka Toys; tin toys; Planter’s Peanut jar; quilt; cheese box; wooden butter churns; crock butter churn; large Hall Art vase; oil cans; military uniforms; pictures; frames; buggy seat; milk bottles; Barbie collectibles; cast iron ware;
Terms on Personal Property: 10% buyer’s premium added to all purchases. Credit card required to register. Buyers may pay their invoice online or arrange to pay with cash or check at pick up. All invoices will be charged to the registered credit card the morning following the auction unless prior arrangements are made. All items sell without reservation to the highest bidder.
Ken Baer, – Auctioneer / Broker / Realtor – 330-424-2505 or
Printable catalog in the documents tab.
Pick up is: January 19, 2024 from 3 - 7 PM
Location: 42083 State Route 344, Columbiana, OH 44408