Welce Online Auction

Welce Online Auction
Located 10451 Sprucevale Road Rogers, Ohio 44455
Ending: December 18, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
Preview: December 18, 2023 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Pick Up: December 20, 2023 from 1:00 to7:00 PM
Household ~ Antiques ~ Tools
Ridgeway grandfathers clock; Oak wash stand w/rack; 2 leather power recliners; foreign and domestic china; Americana Fostoria; cut glass; Oak china closet; Panasonic TV; stands; toys; pine dry sink; wicker furniture; leather sofa; marble top Victorian stand (damaged); Lamps; carpenter, mechanics and garden tools; oil lamps; steel runner sleds; antique tools; portable air compressor; small power tools; wooden corn sheller; crocks; Oak bedroom suite; cedar chests; granite coffee pot; rolls of fabric; x-mas; wooden duck decoys; power treadmill; knee hole desk; sofa stand; pine chest on chest;
Terms on Personal Property: 10% buyer’s premium added to all purchases. Credit card required to register. Buyers may pay their invoice online or arrange to pay with cash or check at pick up. All invoices will be charged to the registered credit card the morning following the auction unless prior arrangements are made. All items sell without reservation to the highest bidder.
Ken Baer, – Auctioneer / Broker / Realtor – 330-424-2505 or Ken@BaerAuctions.com
Printable catalog in documents tab
Pick Up Location: 10451 Sprucevale Rd., Rogers, Ohio 44455
Pick Up Date: December 20, 2023 from 1 - 7 PM