Rogers Online Auction 8-10-2023

Baer Auction Center Online Auction - Rogers 8-10-23
I the undersigned will sell at Public Online Auction. Located at 45625 St. Rt. 154 Rogers Ohio 44455
Ending: August 10th 2023 @ 6:00 PM
Preview: August 10th 2023 from 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Pick Up: August 14th 2023 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
New Items ~ Tools ~ Antiques
New Items: General Electric SS gas range; ceiling fans; lighting; vanity sinks; bedding; powered attic vent; SS sinks; plumbing and electrical accessories; range hoods; mini blinds’ shutters; exterior doors; dry wall lift;
Tools & Antiques: tile saw; Stihl gas blower; scaffold jacks; Borden’s 5 gallon milk can; toys; small electrical appliances;
Visit for online bidding
Terms on Personal Property: 10% buyer’s premium added to all purchases. A 7.25% sales tax will be charged on all purchases
Printable catalog in the document tab.
Located at 45625 St. Rt. 154 Rogers Ohio 44455
Pick Up: August 14th 2023 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM